We, IQP and fluid.vision, are inviting you to a meet and greet not only with us, but with everyone else of you who is interested in organizing themselves. We can give valuable information on how to collectively bring ideas to action and we would love to get know other people who are interested in sharing their own ideas on how to fight for queer liberation collectively.
We know that our queer communities are our safest place – in which we can find the power and energy to fight against a queerphobic, homophobic, transphobic, sexist and racist society! That’s why it’s important to us to reach out our hands to everyone who wants to be a part of this fight and to invite you all to come together in the beginning of our party to find time to actually get to know each other.
At the same time organizing ourselves collectively requires a certain level of trust and empathy. This is why there will be the possibility to simply join a space where we can get to know each other and create this bond of community between us, before thinking about the next steps in the collective fight for queer liberation.
13:12 – 01:00 2nd of June KvU, Storkower Str. 119
Design by: @sierrabis
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