KvU’s Last-Minute Cancellation of Queer Resistance Event



Dear Community, We have been let down at a moment when Fluidity is needed the most. We are shocked, that our event on queer resistance and alongside raising funds for Internationalist Queer Pride (IQP) was kicked out of KvU at the last minute, even though they knew about the Soli cause from the very beginning. They told us yesterday that they would not allow funds to be raised for IQP because of hollow claims of antisemitism that have been made against IQP, to silence migrant, queer, and BiPoC communities.

We are angry and shocked by the treatment by KvU, their intentional lack of communication, impossible ultimatums, last-minute cancellation, and defamation of us on their social media. Thinking they can exploit us as a token for their pseudo queer-friendly anti-racist politics, patronizing us by trying to strongarm us into adapting our event in their interest. They have used their power and German white privilege to try to make this event not happen. Thereby strategically silencing queer transnational communities, maliciously preventing us from creating a safer space for our marginalized queer community to heal, grieve and educate.

We are extremely sad and frustrated to be put in this situation, this event is especially important for our community as a way to commemorate our beloved collective member Nada, who passed away recently. We want to critique the use of power; we want to show how a white left collective is blind to the struggles of a queer migrant community.

We are sad and angry about the political climate in Berlin right now and see this in a series of cancellations of cultural events even just remotely linked to Palestine. Repression from the government side has already increased drastically, we need to stand together and create safer places for marginalized groups. In this almost impossible time, we have received amazing support from spaces and venues standing in solidarity with us. We will soon announce where the Event will be moved to.

We will not be silenced!


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