A Tribute to Nada


We are heartbroken. We lost our loving friend Nada, our favourite dancer, our sunshine. Nada truly was one of a kind, a radiant soul. He touched so many lives in his time here.

For our upcoming event, we would like to make a dedication to our beloved co-collective founder, such a vital core of our community.

We will co-craft an alter to be presented in the space, to be surrounded by the people that Nada loved, who loved him, in this community we call home. We invite all guests at our event to take some time to connect with the altar to remember and honor Nada.

You are also invited to bring along items to contribute to the alter; in the form of trinkets, photos, flowers, or whatever recalls Nada for you.

Nada was such an inspiration to us all, he fought so hard for the values fluid.vision stands for. His spirit was one of boundless generosity and kindness. We dedicate our work as a collective fighting for queer and marginalized rights, dancing, and creating family in the name of Nada.

13:12 – 01:00 2nd of June KvU, Storkower Str. 119

Design by: @sierrabis


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