Variable Entrance Fee for Self-Sustaining Event



This event will be our first entirely self-funded event, and we will therefore be asking for a recommended entrance fee of 15€ at the door. This fee will help us cover our costs and allow us to uphold the same standards we had at our previous events. This means ensuring a safe environment and providing our artists and performers with a fair and equal pay.

We understand however that not everyone is able to afford the same amount on parties which is why we will doing this on a sliding scale from 10 to 20 euros! Our goal with this is not to turn a profit, but rather to create a self-sustainable environment where all contributors are compensated fairly!

If money is a concern, and you find yourself rounding corners at the end of the month, just pay 10€, no need to explain 😌

However if you find yourself in a more comfortable situation and/or you would like to support our collective, then please pay 20€. This will not only support our collective, but also allow those with lesser means to attend the event. (And if you’re feeling particularly generous that day, we will also accept a little extra 😉)


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